Day 103: Officially Off to the Real World

Yesterday was my graduation day. The ceremony was mostly cheesy and cliché, save for that one fleeting moment when you were on stage receiving your thick, degree scroll an empty leather case with my school’s emblem. Oh well, it was all meant to be symbolic, right? The ceremony itself was like a final thrust into the real world.

So, yes, I’ve been officially exiled into the adult planet, a place explored by the Little Prince himself. This book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery indirectly deals with the society’s expectation of one to grow up and lose his or her sense of naivety. It is a struggle that I foresee myself facing in the next few years.

“The Little Prince” is a book that is very dear to me. So, having given this book to some of my friends, I have finally bought a copy for myself as a graduation gift.