Day 20: Inside My Fridge

This theme is so embarrassing! There is expiring Nutella, expired Yakult bacterial drink, and pears at the bottom shelf which have been there for ages. I guess I replenish the side shelf the fastest — milk, fruit juices. And, I always have bananas in my fridge! And.. no, I didn’t clean up my fridge definitely before I shoot this picture. It has always been in a state of minimalism, especially since 2 months ago when I decided to take over its ownership from my mother!

Anyway, this theme reminds me of Mark Menjivar’s “You Are What You Eat” photography project some time ago. Try to imagine to whom these fridges belong to, before reading who their actual owners are!

Owner of Defunct Amusement Park | Alpine, TX | 1-Person Household | Former WW II Prisoner of War | 2007

Carpenter/Photographer | San Antonio, TX | 3-Person Household |
12-Point Buck | 2008

Street Advertiser | San Antonio, TX | 1-Person Household |
Lives on $432 fixed monthly income | 2007

More photographs of this series here.

Day 19: Cleanup

Easter egg from Zagreb, Croatia. Disney first visit badge from Disney Orlando. A Singapore Airline clock which has been with me for about 10 years. Nohohon (little green dude) given from a Japanese girl for cultural exchange. A Duracell bunny. Two scissors (haha, whatever they are for). Red container from Budapest, Hungary. Last but not least — my China watch. Hehe.

This theme warrants a cleanup of my desk. Honestly, it hasn’t been as orderly as this for a week or so (my bedroom — a greater state of mess). At least I’m not caught up in exam preparation now, or else my desk is sure to be awashed by study notes!

Day 17: Fade In

Today, I’m supposed to document “Something I Made”. I’m very proud of myself for having completed my first ever film script! It’s titled “Those Were The Days”, and judging by the number of pages, it would make for a 15-minute film. I would love to film it. At the same time, I’m still exploring the option of starting a new script, and then going back to this film script at a later time.

There’s this wonderful speech given by “Eat, Pray, Love” author Elizabeth Gilbert on TED on creativity and genius. Her recall of her conversation with American poet Ruth Stone is very fascinating.

When she was growing up in rural Virginia she would be out working in the fields and she said she would feel and hear a poem coming at her from over the landscape and she said it was like a thunderous train of air and it would come barrelling down at her over the landscape. And she said that when she felt it coming – because it would shake the earth under her feet – she knew that she had only one thing to do at that point and that was to, in her words, ‘run like hell’ and she would run like hell to the house, being chased by this poem. And the whole deal was that she had to get to a piece of paper and pencil fast enough so when it thundered through her she could collect it and grab it on the page.

This story resonates with me as I’ve realised that I don’t necessarily have to base what I write on what I’ve experienced myself in my short life. The protagonist of “Those Were The Days” is a 30-something married woman, while I’m just 22, and have never been in a romantic relationship. It somewhat opens up the possibility on things that I could write, and this is a relief.

Watch Elizabeth Gilbert’s speech below.

Day 16: Life’s a Rough Ride

As time passes, objects go through wear and tear. Moisture, heat, rough hits. I guess we humans do experience these same things in one way or another. The more we grow old, the more wised we become (we hope).

Day 12: Low-Key Sunday

With the endlessly pouring rain, it turned out to be a very low-key Sunday. At first I wanted to shoot the macaroni soup that I cooked for dinner. But, when I compared this to the appetizing looking food from Masterchef Season Finale, I knew that my macaroni soup would make for a very bad comparison to such fine cooking! This dish, “Stuffed Quail with Creamy Potatoes and Spinach”, was prepared by Jennifer Behm.

Day 11: Brown & Checkered

I’ve had these pair of Aldo shoes for a year! I bought a black version the year before, but I wore them out within a few months. At least now I’ve got another Aldo ballets flats beside this pair, so I don’t wear them out as fast. Yeah, I love Aldo ballet flats. Very comfy.